Growing up in Australia many of us have suffered through the damaging effects of the Sun’s harsh UV rays on our skin.

We have seen some great awareness campaigns over the years, aimed at protecting our skin from harmful Sun rays: ‘Slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, slap on a hat, wrap those sun glasses around your eyeballs’. These messages have come a bit late for some of us – years after a childhood spent outdoors, at the beach, getting repeatedly sunburnt while playing sport or working, or seeking a great tan. These years have taken their toll on our skin condition.

An article by Goodman et al,  recently published in the Australian Journal of Dermatology, shows results of research indicating Australian women are self-reporting signs of facial ageing earlier than our North American (USA-based) counterparts. Of the 1472 women from Australia, Canada, UK and USA who participated in the study, Australian women reported more severe signs of facial ageing than other women, and reported these up to 20 years earlier than their USA counterparts.  These findings help to guide our responses to skin health.  We aim to be preventative with quality sunscreen cream, skin conditioning treatments and home skincare, and to be responsive with nourishing photo-rejuvenation treatments and therapies. This interesting article with study outcomes is well worth the read.

If you are noticing signs of facial ageing such as loss of volume, sagging, and skin wrinkling make an appointment with us today. We can assess the condition of your skin and help you reach optimum skin health.