Facial wipes can be a handy solution in a pinch, but it pays to use them cautiously and sparingly – they shouldn’t be an everyday skin cleansing solution. These ‘convenient, flushable’ cleansing facial wipes leave behind a slew of chemicals and residues, blocking pores and when used too often can leave skin red, irritated and flaky. On top of all that – it turns out they’re not all that flushable, and are known to block municipal waste-water systems.

Think carefully about why a packet of facial wipes has a long shelf life, then think about what those same preservative, anti-microbial chemicals might be doing to your skin.

Many facial wipes contain: alcohol (ethanol), methylisothiazolinone, triclosan, Proylene glycol (solvent, preservative), Parabens (preservative), Formaldehyde (preservative) and Fragrance (known irritant).

Some tips:

  • look for wipes without nasty chemicals – check for those made for sensitive skin
  • use wipes sparingly  – not everyday
  • bin them don’t flush them
  • avoid wiping very sensitive skin (around eyes and mouth)

If you’re feeling adventurous you could make your own wipes by pushing several soft face cloths into a sterilised glass jar, pouring in distilled water and your preferred cleanser (1:1 ratio).